Dynaco amplifier
This is a Dyna tube amplifier from the mid60s. I have had it re-tubed and all of the power capacitors replaced – invested about $500 in it.
This is a Dyna tube amplifier from the mid60s.My uncle got it from a friend back then and used it for a while. I got it in 2018.
In the Fall of 2019, I had it re-tubed and all of the power capacitors replaced by a local guy in Atlanta - invested about $500 in it. I currently have it in my own set-up - it sounds great. As the tubes warm up, I have to moderate the volume because it definitely gets louder as it gets going. It has a ton of warmth. I have a turntable and a CD player hooked up, and use them both daily.
I will not ship this unit - the tubes would not take to it well. And it weighs a ton - it is seriously about three times as heavy as any other receiver or amplifier I have. It has to be picked up in Atlanta, only.
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